
What I Came Looking For

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Literature Text

Spoiler Alert!!
Do not read unless you have finished skyward sword

It was the 1st anniversary of the legendary day, the day that he had sealed away demise and reluctantly sent her into a spiraling endless sleep and, he couldn't take it, he couldn't take anything anymore.

Especially "her grace" oh how the young goddess was annoying "get up sleepy head, you're so lazy, get up and ride your loftwing" , more annoying than "she" could ever be no matter how many times she told him that the batteries were dying or however many times she stated the obvious. He could overlook anything that she ever did, but not for anyone else. Pipit constantly accusing him of looking at him suspiciously even if he just tried to speak with him, Calwin's constant crying, Strich's bug paradise, everyone always saying the same thing. He couldn't even go outside at night anymore for fear of the remlits and such since he didn't have a sword. He found it ridiculous, a year ago he had sealed away the world's greatest evil, permanently and nothing ever got better. To him everything was worse.

"Get up!"
I suddenly felt something relatively dense hit my face, hard.
"Get up!!"
I opened my eyes slowly only to have them be hit full force with the object I was hit with seconds prior.
"What the hell!? Why can't you wake me up like a regular person??"
"Because I'm not a regular person"
"Well I do remember locking my door so are you so irregular that you can walk through them?"
"Hey don't give me so much attitude, I am Hylia reborn so you should respect me as well as any other way I choose to wake you up."
Zelda always retreated back to that statement every time she fought with someone especially her closest friend Link.
"If it weren't for me you would have been captured by Girahim all the way back at the Lanayru province temple"
She always shuddered at the mention of Girahim's name.
"When you were getting the time gear ready and Impa was fighting against Girahim, when she failed I jumped in and saved both your asses big-time."
"Well that was a long time ago and-"
We kept fighting for a while but I should always have won, but Zelda retreated to being completely illogical every time. I recalled almost everything about my journey how terrifying the silent realms were, how pesky those bokoblin archers were, all the places I ever found "grabtitude crackles" in. And what I remember all too well was the sword sprite that accompanied me everywhere. Yes the one with the peculiar stockings, cloak-arm thingies and no real eyes. She was a robot or rather just the goddesses' creation, but she had exceeded her initial purpose, not by much but she still had, she had felt happiness, the best of human emotions. I can remember everything, I remember her dances and the words she spoke while she danced, she taught me so much, I used to summon her from my sword just so we could perform the ballad of the goddess to ourselves in the middle of the forest or a volcano or even the desert. I remember her voice best, when she spoke, when she sang, and even when she nattered on and on about the obvious. It had a soothing inhuman quality to it that all but I had found disturbing.
"Link are you even paying attention??"
I was snapped back to reality when Zelda suddenly shouted at me
"Were you even paying attention to anything I was just saying?"
"No. Now please leave me alone Zelda."
As she left the room all flustered and angry, an idea came to me. It was a good idea at that I should've thought about long ago but I never did, I always thought that Zelda was the goddess reborn and I was her chosen hero so that meant we were destined to be together right? Well maybe later, I still don't hate my childhood best friend but she can be annoying. Right now I'm going to search for someone I know I will get along with no doubt. Getting out of the Knight Academy was hard enough as is, everyone noticed me since I almost never come out anymore I only ever walk the short distance between my room, Zelda's room, the cafeteria and the bathrooms. Come to think of it I wouldn't be surprised if my loftwing had abandoned me, I haven't ridden it in ages, not since two weeks after I sealed demise away. Oh well I have to try anyways.
I only had one heart left by the time I got to the dock. Running past remlits, blobs and bats is pretty hard when you're as out of shape as I am. Being outside in Skyloft at night scares me beyond my wits now days but it's not because it's dark and there are monsters, but because it looks so similar to how it did during the trial. I keep expecting one of those crazy terrorist guardians to pop up out of nowhere. Oof, when I called my loftwing while plummeting to what could be certain death I remembered that it can't see well at night but, I got a knight to teach it how to fly at night anyways so, all that was left is too see was if it abandoned me or not. Well my loftwing didn't abandon me but it's just as out of shape as I am, nevertheless we were able to make it to the green column of light.
OH MY GOD the surface is horrifying at night you can't see anything at all and all you can hear is the baba plants coming out right in front of you even when you still can see them, good thing I kept my shield. Right about now I'm wondering why I even bothered doing this at night anyways, it would have been practically the same if I had gone during the day but a lot safer... crappy.  But anyways the moment I came all this way for was almost here. As I stood in front of the pedestal I thought of all the consequences that would arrive when I drew it. Girahim would probably return but Demise was sealed away far too deep within the sword to ever come out, ever. As I thought about not doing it I remembered that Girahim wasn't all that bad anyways even at his very best, he couldn't beat me. So I made my decision.
When I drew the sword from the stone it instantly flashed a blinding light and several dark auras escaped, but I didn't care I could deal with them later what I was focused on hadn't arrived yet, but after about a minute or so of the throbbing blinding light I heard something.
"Master Link?"
I heard the words I had heard so many times before but it wasn't her, those words were... human. But before I could think anymore I felt an intense pain in my back and I was sent flying into a wall without the sword, when I turned around my guess was right on the money, Girahim was standing where I had been standing mere seconds ago. I knew he might have come back but I never expected him to come back so soon and to be exactly where I am no less.
"You have made a grave mistake this time little worm"
Before I could say anything he was by my side and I was sent careening once again.
"Now that demise is permanently gone, once I get rid of you, I'll have the whole world to solely myself"
An eerie smile crept upon his face when he picked up the master sword and twirled it around several times before pointing it at me.
"And that won't be very difficult at all"
I had beaten Girahim in the past but that was with my sword and the sprite that dwelled in it now, I had neither, it was foolish of me to not expect Girahim to be a serious threat. Now he might just as easily take my life.
He rushed toward me with extreme speed using my own sword to slash my thigh, preventing me from getting up quickly.
"You really are making this too easy" He teased
"Then why don't you make this fair, no swords."
"Little boy if you haven't noticed I'm a demon lord I don't do fair"
With that he charged at me once again, I was able to dodge the blow while kicking his feet out from under him. He tripped but only to teleport back to standing behind me. He slashed my other leg and both arms, I slumped to the ground ready to be defeated.
"You really did make this too easy this time, but I won't let you flee with your life as I did times before, this moment is your last"
Just as he raised the sword to strike me for the final time it seemingly exploded with a godly light making him fall backwards.
"You shall not touch Master Link"
There was that familiar but human voice again but this time it made sense. There was a young maiden with blue skin, blue hair, a dress and a cloak standing between us. I instantly recognized her but she was different than before, she didn't float and she had a face and hands.
"And who are you to tell me what to do?"Girahim snapped
He obviously didn't recognize her at all. He charged at her full speed with one of his own blades this time. She was able to swiftly dodge him with extreme ease, and place a hand on his forehead.
"What are you going to do caress me to death?" Girahim mocked still clearly enraged
At that she shot and intense light through her arm and directly into Girahim's head, the blast was clearly infused with the power of the triforce for she had guarded it for so long. He wasn't expecting such a strong blast so suddenly, alas he fell to his knees. As he wept with pain he knew he would be imprisoned in the sword once again.
"Who are you?"He muttered under his breath as he once said to me a year ago
"My designation is Fi the sword sprite that dwells within the master sword as well as your opposite counterpart."
Those were the last words Girahim heard as he was sealed away into the sword once again. Fi then turned to me to see if I was okay. She looked beautiful she had a brilliant face and beneath her cloak she had arms with the same pattern on them as her legs, she didn't float anymore but she still moved with such grace as if she still did.
"Fi, why didn't you come back right after I drew the sword?"
"Master, I have been in an endless sleep for several thousand years you cannot honestly expect me to wake up instantly especially coming from you mr. slugabed."
I also remarked that not only did Fi look human she now had personality. Since I was so injured during my battle with Girahim I couldn't return to the sky that night, but it didn't bother me I had found what I came looking for and she was even better than I expected.
OMG this was so fun to write i found the part where Girahim and link fight is too short but i didn't know what i could do to lengthen it this is my first story ever so no bashing plz
© 2012 - 2024 afraidtoshipp
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